Nutrition Corner

Welcome to the Nutrition Corner! Whether it’s eating for health, enjoying an active lifestyle or doing all you can to maximise recovery, we’ve got you covered. We have an array of content to feed your mind including the latest nutritional health news, recipe ideas and expert tips to guide you on your wellness journey.

An introduction to Malnutrition: what every Australian should know

An introduction to Malnutrition: What every Australian should know

New consumer research shows that most people think being underweight is the leading malnutrition symptom.1 But the signs of malnutrition are many and varied.

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Why knowing the signs of malnutrition could save you from an avoidable illness

Good nutrition is vital for everyone to live a healthy life. However, in Australia today, thousands of people may be showing signs of malnutrition without knowing it.

Mother and grandma hugging in the lounge - malnutrition

Overcoming malnutrition? Get your health back on track with these 5 tips

If you or a love one have been diagnosed with malnutrition, you might be wondering how to get your health back on track. Here are 5 tips to help you start your journey to wellness today!

Nurse taking care of an elderly woman - malnutrition

Can hospitalisation leave you malnourished? What you need to know

Did you know 70% of people leave hospital more malnourished than when they went in?2 Find out what you need to know about malnutrition and hospitalisation here.

mother and daughter catching up - malnutrition

Weighing in on a topic where losing weight isn’t a good thing

In today’s world, we’re conditioned to believe that losing weight is a good thing. However, not all weight loss is beneficial and this is certainly the case when recovering from an illness.

An introduction to cancer and weight loss - malnutrition

An introduction to cancer and weight loss

Cancer is a term used to group together a set of diseases that can affect almost any part of our body. A cancer diagnosis can be a life-changing event for both the person diagnosed and their loved ones. 

Cancer and weight loss - malnutrition

Cancer, weight loss and nutrition

Keeping physically strong during cancer can be tough; the side effects of the disease and its treatment can take a toll on the body, negatively affecting appetite, the way you taste food and even the way your body absorbs nutrients.

The role of nutrition in cancer care - malnutrition

The role of nutrition in cancer care

Weight loss during cancer, particularly loss of lean body mass, can have a negative impact on your overall health. It is therefore important that you maintain your weight to give yourself the best chance possible. 


  1. The Digital Edge Weekly Omnibus Survey conducted amongst 1,500 Australians in February 2021. Data on file.
  2. Guenter P, et al. Addressing Disease-Related Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients: A Call for a National Goal. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2015; 41(10): 469-473